
What Traditional Technologies Can Laser Technology Replace in Industry?

Laser technology can replace many traditional industrial processes and offers a more advantageous alternative to traditional methods in many areas.

traditional technologies

Cleaning procedures

Traditional cleaning methods

Sandblasting, chemical cleaning, dry ice blasting. With these technologies, we have to take into account material wear and physical contact. During sand cleaning, the work is carried out in full protective equipment. Chemical cleaning is harmful to health and the environment.

Advantages of laser cleaning

It does not use chemicals, so there is no environmental pollution. It does not cause mechanical damage to surfaces and there is no possibility of human error. Its accuracy is better than that of traditional procedures, it removes only the desired layers, with minimal waste.

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Marking technique

Traditional laser methods

Labeling, dotting, pin marking, pad printing, marking with paint. It does not produce a permanent marking like laser engraving and most traditional markings require paint or other yielding material.

Advantages of laser marking

Laser markings are wear-resistant and durable. No paints or chemicals required. Even fine details can be easily created thanks to its precision.

Milling processes

titan milling

Mechanical milling, chipping. In the case of cutting processes, we always have to take into account tool wear and continuous maintenance.

Advantages of laser milling

Fine structures can also be created, which are difficult to handle with traditional methods. Avoids mechanical wear and damage. Only the necessary amount of material is removed, minimizing waste.

Cutting technologies

precision laser cutting

Traditional cutting methods

Mechanical cutting, scissor cutting, water jet cutting. With these procedures, we do not get as precise and beautiful cutting edges as with the laser.

Laser cutting advantages

Fine details and complex shapes can be cut out easily, narrow cutting gaps and smooth edges can be achieved with minimal waste. Faster than many conventional cutting processes, especially for thin materials.

Welding methods


Conventional welding methods

Traditional arc welding, gas welding. With vertical welding, larger seams can be made and are less precise than the laser process.

Laser welding

Smaller welds can be created with minimal deformation thanks to its precision. In addition to its precision, it comes with high speed and high productivity. It performs the welding process with a minimal heat effect, reduced heat input in the welding zone, thanks to which there is less damage caused by heat.

laser cleaning methods

Laser technology offers many advantages over traditional industrial methods, including precision, environmental awareness, speed, and material savings. These benefits allow companies to be more competitive while reducing negative impacts on the environment.